Why Businesses Should Consider Building Android Apps

Why Businesses Should Consider Building Android Apps

A Android app is a type of software application that runs on the Android platform which is which is a mobile operating system. Android apps are developed by using the Java programming languages and core libraries, and then built on the Dalvik virtual computer that is optimized for mobile devices. Android apps are released and distributed through the official Google Play Store. This store is a place to download free and premium apps.

The Android platform provides developers with an extensive set of tools, documentation, and resources to develop and test their apps. It also supports multitasking, allowing users to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and switch seamlessly between them. Android apps also provide a wide range of graphics options including 2D and 3-D graphics. It’s simple to develop and deploy visually compelling applications on the platform.

Android gives developers more freedom to design and develop applications. This lets developers develop and create a variety of apps that differ in terms of functionality and appearance. The fact that Android apps are able to be run across a broader range of devices and OS versions means that developers can be able to reach more people with their apps.

Additionally that the cost of creating apps on Android is much lower than iOS. For instance, registration as an Apple developer costs $99 annually while getting started with Android only requires a one-time cost of $25. This allows businesses to rapidly launch their apps and begin earning revenue.


About the Author // Vlad Strajnic

Graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia. Acquired master degree in visual design from SPD, Milan, Italy. Worked as an art director in NY and Milan. Currently, creative director of Crafty Labs.

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